Who is Accountable for Zero Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
Providing Protection to Women from Sexual Harassment at Workplace Premises including WFH - Who is Accountable, Answerable & Liable A s enshrined in the Preamble of t he “Sexual Harassment of Woman at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013” duly gazetted on 9 th December 2013, Each and Every Employer of Workplaces in India including our dwelling place/space is accountabl e, a nswerab le, chargeabl e, liabl e before the Laws and fully responsible for Providing Protection to Women, whether employed or not at concerned Workplace Establishment; including WFH (Work from Home) and arising out of her Employment. The relevant extract/part of the aforesaid Preamble is reproduced below for ready reference: An Act to provide protection against sexual harassment of women at the workplace and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and for matters connected therewith or incidental ...