
Showing posts with the label 10 Duties of Employers under PoSH Act 2013

“First Five Pre-Inquiry Action-Steps No Internal Committee Presiding Officers Dare Skip”

“ First Five Pre-Inquiry Action-Steps No IC Presiding Officers Dare Skip”   First Five Steps  Put succinctly  are : Step-1 . Finalize & Notify a Date, Time & Place of Starting Redressal  Proceedings. Step- 2 . Welcome all present, put the Complainant & the Respondent & Others at ease; Build Rapport; Earn Trust; Commit to Preserve, Promote & Maintain Workplace Decorum, Decency & Non-Negotiable Discipline during Proceedings; Describe Penal Provisions for unruly behavior or Disrupting Redressal Proceedings since IC Proceedings are quasi- judicial; Step-3 . Explain with sufficient precision , all relevant Provisions of SHWW (P, P & R) Act 2013 Commonly referred to as PoSH Act 2013; the Rules framed thereunder; Service Rules or Certified Standing Orders relating to Misconduct & Punishment therefor; Penalty for Making Known the Identities of the Complainant and or the Respondent, Contents of Filed Complaints, any part of I C Proceedings o...