Why Ritual Compliance with PoSH Law Must Come to an End?
Why Ritual Compliance with PoSH L aw M ust Co me to an E nd? After Nine years of POSH law in place, do you think it has achieved its objectives and has delivered what was expected of it? Answer from Harsh K Sharan: An assertion is just an assumption in absence of verified data. So, I abstain from authoritative comment on "Whether Posh Laws has achieved its stated objectives as enshrined in its preamble and in sections especially Section-19 titled Duties of Employers. However, I do affirm and vouch, as a longtime PoSH Service Provider particularly since 1997 when Hon'ble Supreme Court issued Vishakha Guidelines for Employers; that the legislative intent of the Act has not been achieved in full measure by employers even after 8 years elapsed. The Lapse is due to inert response from alarmingly high no. of employers who failed t...